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Off-white Beauty Beauty

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      OFF-WHITE BEAUTY Crayon Box - He-Man


      OFF-WHITE BEAUTY Crayon Box - Evil Lyn


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      Off-white Beauty Beauty
      Before his death in 2021, Virgil Abloh decided to broaden his Off White collection to include beauty. Baptised Paperwork, Abloh's cosmetic collection was composed of four parts, like a toolbox allowing everyone a personal interpretation of beauty. Olfactive ID includes four perfumes, simply called Solutions, numbered 1 - 4. The fragrances stand out as much for their vegetal, masculine notes as for their floral, sweet notes, remaining loyal to the cool, urban universe of the Italian label. Solution 1 is a return to athletic classic of the 90s, Solution 2 is a study in careful contrasts, a blend of mandarin leaves, vetiver, ginger and wood for a polarising but addictive effect. Their heavy bottles are sculpted in industrial glass made in Italy by Bormioli and are capped with bright red rotating tops, replicas of valves from industrial perfumery. Not giving names to the perfumes was totally intentional. The goal? To leave those who wear each scent the freedom to not be influenced by these external details, but by the product itself. Makeup is also available under the Imprint line. The range includes six pigment sticks in timeless colours that glide naturally on the surface of the skin before being fixed in place thanks to a unique self-fixing technology. Template is a collection of compacts to "tag" the face and body in your own way, expressing and affirming your own personality. Color Matter includes six nail polish colours with innovative finishes in outstanding shades, like Decode, a white colour with a cracked finish that reproduces the effect of cracked concrete. The singular label is hoping to embody change in the world of beauty, offering a modern, minimalist collection of luxury beauty products.
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